What Giggs learned from Sir Alex and LVG


Giggs, who is currently the manager of the Welsh national team, thinks the differences between the two managers was down to their divergent experiences.


While Ferguson had an instinctive understanding with his squads at United, built over lengthy periods of time, van Gaal loved to work on different tactical approaches and ideas, picked up from his many years traversing the continent and working in Holland, Spain and Germany.


“It was about getting an understanding of the different ways to play,”

noted Giggs.

“So I know what Wayne was saying because Louis worked a lot more on the training pitch with regards to patterns of play and tactical work. 


“He’d come from Holland and also an international background and he took that into club football, so we had a lot of meetings – players felt sometimes too many! With Sir Alex it was quite simple. I’m not saying we didn’t have meetings – of course we did – but we had such good players that the manager would just need to tell them once and it would just be a little tweak here and there, like Ji-sung Park would go and mark Pirlo for example and Ji would do it and do it brilliantly. So I know what Wayne meant in terms of learning a lot under Louis.”


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