Six things we learned from Viv Anderson UTD Podcast


In the extended pod, which is available now, Viv recalls numerous hilarious and intriguing stories, including: how a bust-up with Norman Whiteside helped him sign for United, introducing Eric Cantona to English football and getting scouted on a beach!

Here are just some of our highlights from the podcast…


You might not be aware what Viv’s up to these days, but the 63-year-old has actually helped create an app, called Playonpro, which offers support to former sportspeople.

“They need somewhere to go and someone to speak to [after they’ve retired], so we have an app for them, he explains. “We have over 500 ambassadors now and we try and get work for them. It’s not just footballers, we’ve got golfers, cricketers, athletes, snooker players.”

Viv also speaks about the various benefits included in the app, which range from helping former sportspeople deal with mental health issues, to getting discounted bookings in restaurants.


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