Exclusive Q and A OIe Gunnar Solskjaer ahead of Crystal Palace v Man Utd


The Reds know three wins from our final three matches – away to Crystal Palace, at home to West Ham and away to Leicester City – will secure a Champions League spot. But there is plenty of hard work to be done between now and the last game on Sunday week.

Ole spoke to Stewart Gardner ahead of the trip to Selhurst Park and discussed the race for a top-four spot, the threat posed by Wilf Zaha and he had praise for both Palace boss Roy Hodgson and Marcus Rashford, following his latest achievement…

Firstly Ole, Marcus Rashford has become the youngest-ever recipient of an honorary degree from Manchester University for his work with child hunger and child poverty. It’s an amazing achievement for such a young lad isn’t it?

It’s fantastic and it’s fantastic when footballers can use their impact and power in their position to benefit someone else. What Marcus has done during the lockdown and since the lockdown when with Fareshare with the meals has been great. Marcus is a top human being and he cares about so much more than himself.

Luke went off injured and Brandon got that blow to the face – how are they?

I’ll give Luke as much time as possible, him and Mason, their ankles are swollen and a bit blown up. I’ll give them as much recovery time as possible to give them a chance. Brandon should be fine, he has a gash over the eye but if he can see out of it then… we’ve not trained obviously this morning yet but we’ll hopefully have two, maybe all three of them.

The challenge on Mason was a nasty one and it could have been a lot worse…

In the heat of the moment he’ll play on and adrenalin gets you going and then you get a little bit of reaction after. I said after the game that my ankles were a bit weak after many years of football. But obviously Mason carried on and I think it should have been looked upon by the referee definitely.


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