Evra’s UTD Podcast is the ultimate lockdown treat


About 40 minutes in, we’ve not even reached the point in Evra’s career where he joins United. I’ve got an Asda delivery coming in half an hour, for Christ’s sake.


Then Pat’s phone dies.


There’s a brief conflab between the presenters and our technicians as they try to get him back into the video conference. 


While we’re waiting, presenter Sam Homewood pauses and says to his colleagues:

“This. Is. Absolutely. Incredible.”


I momentarily worry that we might have reached a premature end but, soon enough, Evra’s back. And then he simply cracks on in the same fashion as before.


Helen Evans is in tears at one point – joyful tears, I might add (Pat’s polite throughout). And, inevitably, there’s a few jaw-dropping moments that, sadly, you know will never see the light of day.


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