Patrice Evra to be part of Soccer Aid for Unicef 2020


“It will be a strange experience to play at that amazing stadium without the fans, but I am really proud to be involved and that we’re able to still put on a show for the millions of people who will be watching at home. We know that you’ll be with us all in spirit.

“It’s really important we can play this match because not only does it give people something to look forward to, but it’s a chance for us all to help Unicef stop the spread of coronavirus and limit the impact on children’s lives.”

Soccer Aid for Unicef is the world’s biggest celebrity football match, raising money to give children the best start in life. Around the world, coronavirus is disrupting everything – it’s closing schools, stopping children getting vital vaccines, and making life in disaster zones tougher than ever. A whole generation of children are in danger.

Soccer Aid for Unicef will help stop the spread of coronavirus and limit the impact on children’s lives. This year, for the first time in the match’s history, the UK government and Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, will both match public donations to Soccer Aid for Unicef, meaning every £1 donated becomes £3 – up to £3 million – until 6 October 2020.


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