Man Utd shows support for mentally healthy football


The club’s backing for the declaration follows the launch earlier this season of our own IGNORED initiative to highlight the importance of talking about mental health, as part of our wider #allredallequal campaign.

The Mentally Healthy Football Declaration will see all of UK football recognising that mental health is as important as physical health, and pioneering a ‘team approach’ on this important issue. It commits everyone in football to work together to promote mental health across all levels of the game and share best practice.

Manchester United has joined with clubs and organisations across the UK game to support the declaration, including the FA, the Premier League, the English Football League and equivalent bodies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Through the Declaration, football has committed to:

  • Embed an environment where players and staff are encouraged to look after their mental health just as they look after their physical health; 
  • where they feel able to spot the signs that they, a team-mate or colleague might be struggling and know where to access support; 
  • and where speaking out about mental health is seen as a sign of strength rather than weakness.

Manchester United’s backing for the declaration adds to our own IGNORED campaign, which recognises how people with mental health issues can often feel ignored and left to suffer in silence. The campaign was launched in February with a film featuring members of the men’s and women’s teams encouraging fans to consider how the use of words such as ‘psycho’ and ‘mad’ can alienate those experiencing mental health problems.


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