Every word from Erik’s press conference: Part two


Erik, do you think you are getting some excitement into Manchester United, at the moment. The way you are playing and the amount of goals you’re scoring, do you think that is getting to where the fans want it to be?
“I think definitely, if you see in the goals we scored lately. In Copenhagen, in Everton, also on Wednesday, in Istanbul, we had great team goals. From really having a good plan, giving the players creativity in the positions where they perform best and we scored some great goals.”

Donny van de Beek said last week that he would consider leaving in January. Will you allow him to leave and are there other players who have had those conversations about possibly going?
“I think Donny has to play. In games he was in the squad, so then he had the opportunity, but it was a slow start in the season because he still recovered from physical setbacks. But now he is back and is doing well in the training so, if we can’t give him perspective, I can see that he has to play, for his career, for everything.”

The game tomorrow, you said, last season, that Newcastle could be annoying with their timewasting. Have you seen a change in the way they approach games now? Do you think they don’t do as much timewasting?
“I didn’t say that. The timewasting. I make that point, clear. But the term annoying, that was a positive for them. It is a really difficult team to play so I meant it in a very positive way because I respect what they are doing. They are physical, they are very good in transitions and very organised in the pressing. They are doing a great job there and I like to play against them.”


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