When I gave my first interview as a United player, I said that I didn’t have the words to explain the feeling and I still don’t! It’s still surreal. It’s everything that I dreamt of, probably even above and beyond what I expected being a Man United player would be like. It’s unreal to look down and see the emblem on your chest when you’re going to work every day, representing this great institution. I’ve taken pride in every club I’ve played for, in every jersey I’ve put on, but I must say that it’s a different feeling when you’re here and you’re putting on the jersey of the club you’ve supported your whole life.
That feeling of making my debut… just wow. Straight into action against Arsenal, a big competitor in the league. In my whole life, I don’t think I was ever so nervous before. Playing for your childhood club is a different feeling and I definitely felt nerves where I wouldn’t have before in my career. I was just so buzzing for it, I really was. So up for it, so excited. You have to be mindful that you channel those feelings properly, though. Playing for your team, you can be overcome with emotion and get carried away, so you have to make sure you keep your head, don’t get caught up in the moment and generally just channel that passion in the right way. For me, that means motivating the people around you, encouraging people around you, pushing everyone else to reach higher levels. That’s something I’ve always tried to bring to any team and it’s the same here.
I think my debut went alright from a personal point of view. Once you get out there, you want to get a touch on the ball, get a nice clean tackle or clearance as a defender, and I was relatively happy with my first appearance and how I showed myself. I’ve had a few games now and I’m absolutely loving it. There’s no better way to settle in than to be thrown into action and that’s what has happened. Now I just want to take the opportunity I’ve got.
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